Bourrienne Paris X Gazette

SHIRT STORIES interviews inspiring personalities from atypical backgrounds. These are universal and authentic stories that speak to us in truth about our relationship with time, nature, a certain f...
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Les Célébrités Qui Adoptent la Blouse Lavallière : Tendance Mode 2025
Découvrez le grand retour de la blouse à col lavallière, une pièce iconique mêlant élégance bourgeoise et histoire fascinante. Inspirée par Louise de La Vallière, cette tendance incontournable de 2...
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My encounters in Tokyo, by Carine Beigbeder
Japan represents the second-largest market for Bourrienne Paris X, after France. Returning from Tokyo, I am happy and proud to share with you the story of my experiences there.
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Join us in discovering our collection of linen shirts, a celebration of the timeless elegance and craftsmanship that define Bourrienne Paris X.
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Whether you're the bride, the groom or a privileged witness to this special day. Bourrienne Paris X accompanies you to mark this day with a touch of elegance as discreet as it is timeless. Di...
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An exclusive collaboration between France & Japan
BOURRIENNE PARIS X, the Parisian House of white shirts, is proud to announce its exclusive collaboration with YLÈVE, the emerging Japanese brand renowned for its avant-garde aesthetic. This collabo...
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Printemps Haussmann x Bourrienne Paris X
Bourrienne Paris X is very proud to join the new "Quiet Luxury" space at Printemps Haussmann. This new area, named "Minimal Chic," is located on the fourth floor of the Parisian department store. I...
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Bourrienne Paris X is participating in the Prix Bourrienne
For its first edition, the Prix Bourrienne has awarded Laurent Tillon for his third essay, "Les Fantômes de la nuit, des chauves-souris et des hommes," published by Éditions Actes Sud. On this occa...
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Bourrienne Paris X and Maison Tamboite get into the saddle at the men's area of Bon Marché Rive Gauche and in the brand's Paris boutique. This collab worthy of the most beautiful tandems has giv...
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New Collaboration between the artist Nicolas Lefebvre and Bourrienne Paris X
Artist Nicolas Lefebvre becomes a "shirt designer" for Bourrienne Paris X, for a "Crazy Collab" at the Bon Marché Rive Gauche women's area and in the brand's Parisian boutique. From his universe ma...
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