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The Bourrienne Hotel

Built from 1787, the Hôtel de Bourrienne is a unique Parisian symbol, containing interior decorations dating from the Directory, still preserved today.

From 1792, it was inhabited by Fortunée Hamelin, who made the hotel a mecca for social gatherings where Bonaparte, Joséphine de Beauharnais and Madame Tallien rubbed shoulders.

Muse of the fashion of Les Merveilleuses, Fortunée Hamelin caused a sensation in all of Paris, walking one day on the Champs-Élysées, dressed in a simple flesh-colored gauze cloth, split to the hips and not concealing nothing from his chest. Malicious and impertinent, she also seduced by her intelligence and held one of the most popular salons of the time in the Hôtel de Bourrienne.

The place was then bought by Louis Fauvelet de Bourrienne, Napoleon's private secretary, who left it his name. An entrepreneur at heart, Charles Beigbeder brings the Hôtel de Bourrienne back to life through an eponymous collection, but also by opening it up to young designers.

In March 2019, Belgian designer Olivier Theyskens set up his offices and showroom on the second floor of the Hotel. A place of exchange and circulation of ideas in the image of the salons of the time.